2023 Food for Thought
Happy 2023, friends! I don’t know about you but I am thrilled to finally be in the ~winter slow down~ mode that occurs after the festivities of the holiday season. While I don’t set specific “new year resolutions,” I do utilize January as a clean slate and take the opportunity to reflect back on the last year while planning for the year ahead. This year I am trying to be very intentional about what and who I put my energy towards. As always, I am trying to be thoughtful of the ways that I take care of myself and am continuing to strive for consistency with my helpful routines. I feel a bit of extra motivation with a new month/new year so I’m trying to ride that wave while I’ve got it.
If you are interested in some quick helpful tips for prepping for the year ahead, keep reading! I’d love to hear what resonates most with you in the comment section below. Wherever you find yourself on the fourth day of 2023, I hope that you find these ideas helpful & feel encouraged to lean into whatever sets your soul on fire this year.
~Consider picking a one word theme for 2023:
Rather than setting strict goals to achieve in the new year, I am leaning into picking a few key words to guide my year and to keep me on track. I feel that it is more realistic to approach goals based on my values rather than a specific outcome. A few of the words I’m loving for 2023 themes are: power, change, strength, & family. I plan to let these words guide my goals and daily/weekly routines throughout the upcoming year.
Other “one word theme” ideas: Contentment | Consistency | Abundance | Vibrancy | Movement | Shine | Wellness | Boundaries | Hope | Fulfilled | Transformation | Happiness | Connection | Growth | Balance | Purpose | Joy | Perseverance | Kindness | Minimalism | Organization | Self-Care | Surrender | Stillness | Wonder | Pause | Explore | Imagine | Harmony | Elevate | Dream | Simplify | Limitless | Bloom | Rebirth | Rest | Reimagine
~Consider how you might adjust your self-care routines during the winter months:
If revamping your routines for 2023 sounds overwhelming and unrealistic, try picking one or two consistent routines and see if there is anything you’d like to tweak for the winter season. For example, you could adjust your morning routine (starting your day earlier) to optimize the daylight hours that you have available to you. Or you could consider adding a walking lunch break to your schedule to allow yourself an opportunity for daily sunlight exposure (weather permitting of course). When the time changes in the spring, you can adjust to match the new season/daylight hours.
~Pause & reflect on your past year:
Take time to reflect on the following questions regarding 2022. Try writing your thoughts down and reviewing them at the same time next year!
What excited me last year?
What exhausted me last year?
What meant the most to me last year?
What routines helped me to take care of myself last year?
What relationships brought me joy last year?
What are my biggest victories from last year?
What words/themes would I use to describe last year?
If you find yourself reflecting and planning for your year ahead, I hope that you feel ready & encouraged to go after all of your goals, both big and small. Remember, you do not need to change anything unless you want to. You get to determine how you want 2023 to look like and what is most meaningful for you this year. As always, take care of yourself during this year and sink into your unique skills, abilities, and qualities that make you, YOU.
If you are in Virginia & are interested in getting connected with a therapist this year, feel free to reach out via phone (757) 434-5811 or email (vbcounselingcollective@gmail.com). Cheers, friends!